
I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University. I recently finished my PhD in the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington, where I was advised by Professor Curtis Deutsch.

I am interested in the interconnections between climate, ocean O2 and the spatial and temporal patterns of marine biodiversity and ecosystem function throughout Earth history and in the present-day. I develop and apply mathematical models of species ecophysiology, marine ecosystems, and ocean biogeochemistry combined with simulations of the climate system. Throughout my work, I strive to constrain and test these models against experimental and field data from climatic, biological, and paleontological sources. Such work is relevant now more than ever, as anthropogenic climate warming risks oxygen depletion of the ocean, threatening global marine productivity and diverse sea life.

In my free time, I enjoy searching for waves to surf, concrete curbs to skate, and wild mushrooms to forage